Gold $2,387.14 -0.94
Silver $27.92 -0.17
Platinum $931.02 0.94
Palladium $903.43 -0.06


Posted on January 15, 2024 by James Miller

Imagine stumbling upon a shiny metal object while cleaning out an old attic. Your heart races as you wonder, “Could this be gold?” or is it merely a brass artifact, still charming but less valuable? The question has puzzled many, from antique collectors to curious individuals. Brass and gold, with their similar lustrous appearances, often […]

Posted on November 20, 2023 by James Miller

Do presidential elections affect the stock market, or is that just a financial urban legend? Hold onto your portfolios – because the data might reshape your perspective. Historical research reveals elections’ effect on the stock market, with the S&P 500 having positive returns in 17 of the past 23 election cycles. Instead, investors may be […]

Posted on November 9, 2023 by James Miller

If you’re looking for a safe-haven investment that has stood the test of time, then gold may be just what you need. The popularity of gold as an investment has never waned, and for a good reason. Its scarcity, durability, and intrinsic value have made it a reliable asset for thousands of years. But you […]

Posted on November 6, 2023 by James Miller

Is cryptocurrency a goldmine or a minefield? As digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum continue to revolutionize the financial world, it’s natural to wonder about their legitimacy. The question on many minds is, “Is crypto a scam?” Though cryptocurrencies are not inherently fraudulent, the digital landscape in which they operate can be rife with scams, […]

Posted on October 18, 2023 by James Miller

Picture this: You’re enjoying your golden years, basking in the sun on a beautiful beach, or exploring new destinations, with money concerns far from your mind. Sounds perfect, right? To make this dream a reality, it’s time to start thinking about secure retirement savings strategies. In a nutshell, secure retirement savings means building a financial […]

Posted on September 19, 2023 by James Miller

Are you considering a more secure and diverse investment strategy for your retirement savings? If so, moving your 401(k) to gold might be a solution. Gold can provide a reliable hedge against inflation and financial uncertainty, and with the right approach, you can also make this transition without incurring any penalties. This guide will outline […]

Posted on August 15, 2023 by James Miller

Retirement planning is a big part of financial well-being, and most people want it sorted out by the time they turn 60. This age presents a balance between stepping away from the workforce and having ample time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. However, retiring at 60 requires careful thought and strategic decision-making. In […]

Posted on July 24, 2023 by James Miller

Facing a potential recession can feel like a formidable challenge. And with economists predicting a 99% chance of an impending recession, you might not have much time to prepare for it if you don’t start now. However, with preemptive planning and strategic investments, you can weather this storm. Let’s explore how to survive a recession […]

Posted on June 6, 2023 by James Miller

Key Points: In a sobering forecast, credit ratings agency Moody’s has recently warned of a potential 10% decline in UK house prices over the next two years. The correction was triggered by persistently high inflation and a recent spike in lending rates. If this downturn materializes, it will be the most significant since the 2008 […]

Posted on May 30, 2023 by James Miller

Key Points: Looming U.S. Debt Crisis, Inflation, and the Recession  In a climate of swelling uncertainty, the U.S. faces economic challenges that have left many questioning the stability of their financial futures. Economists are now predicting with an unprecedented 99% certainty that a recession will hit by the end of the year, and the signs […]