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Natural Gas Price Drop

US Natural Gas Price Drop Brings Economic Relief

Posted on March 20, 2024
Writer: James Miller

American households and industries are experiencing economic relief as US natural gas prices plummet to a four-year low, significantly reducing energy costs. 

This drop has led to a notable decrease in consumer gas bills, with a 9% drop in February compared to the previous year, contributing to a broader easing of inflationary pressures. 

Specifically, the energy sector’s contribution to overall inflation has diminished from about one-quarter in June 2022 to virtually zero, reflecting the reduced impact of energy costs on the cost of living.

The current decrease in natural gas prices is expected to extend its benefits beyond heating bills to other sectors that depend on natural gas, such as manufacturing and agriculture. 

Companies in these sectors, especially those hedged against higher prices, are now beginning to see cost savings as market prices adjust. 

Read the full article on Yahoo Finance.

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