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Fed May Cut Rates

Powell Signals Fed’s Readiness to Cut Rates for Job Market Stability

Posted on March 27, 2024
Writer: James Miller

In response to increasing unemployment, the Federal Reserve is signaling a willingness to cut rates, even if it means tolerating higher inflation for a while. 

Fed Chair Jerome Powell added that “an unexpected weakening in the labor market could also warrant a policy response.”

Powell’s comments signal a departure from the Fed’s previous approach. 

As inflation surged in 2022, the Fed increased interest rates to prevent a wage-hike spiral. Now, with unemployment rising slightly, Powell’s statements indicate a proactive stance to prevent a job-cutting spiral. 

The Fed is cautious, waiting to ensure that it wins the inflation battle before cutting rates, but it’s also prepared to respond to unexpected labor market weaknesses.

Economists note potential signs of a job slowdown, with increases in joblessness in several states and declines in temporary staffing. By leaving the door open to rate cuts, Powell aims to prevent unemployment from gaining momentum, ultimately supporting economic stability.

For more information, read the full article on Bloomberg

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